ecology in rCourse package description
An easy-to-understand R course which covers the basics of R programming, ecological data mining, data exploration and analysis techniques, as well as beautiful data visualizations. This course contains 6 sections and has multiple, well-annotated R code scripts per section which the user can use to reproduce the analyses with your own data. Paleontology in rCourse packages description
A comprehensive course on data mining and analyzing paleontology records from online databases. This course contains well annotated and reproducible R code which allows you to query occurrence data, map and explore the data records, create prehistoric time trees to compare to modern phylogenetic trees, and examine potential extinction events. Conservation in RCourse package description
A course which covers conservation analyses in the framework of the IUCN Redlist criteria. This course covers functions of the various R packages provided by, and promoted by the IUCN redlist, as well as important supplementary analyses. Upon completion, the user should have the knowledge to assess their target species and extract supplementary data from online databases and image metadata. |